When travelling in and around Kleinzee… 

Should you be visiting Kleinzee, bare in mind that you will be travelling on a lot of dirt road. Unless you are familiar with with gravel roads we suggest maintaining a speed of 80km/h. Regardless of the popular believes held by others, you could loose control of your vehicle if you try to accelerate when encountering corrugations. Reduce tyre pressure when travelling on these gravel roads. If you are not sure or not confident in the amount of pressure that would be safe to release, consult your vehicle owners manual.

Our water…

The water in Kleinzee, apart from a slight brackish tinge, is perfectly fit for human consumption. Should this put you off, we highly recommend bringing bottled water or buying from the local shops in Kleinzee.

Our weather…

Unless the mist from the Atlantic Ocean comes rolling in, Kleinzee is a warm and sunny place. Should the mist make its way to Kleinzee, the temperature will drop. So sunblock and hats are crucial as well as a set of warm clothes.

Emergency medical services available…

Apart from a day clinic with basic medical services, visitors should consider bringing a first aid kit and necessary medication as needed. Emergencies will be transported via ambulance to Springbok. Serious cases will have to be transported via medical plane to Cape Town.

Our shopping…

There are several shops in Kleinzee, offering all the necessities one could need.

Fishing in Kleinzee…

Please inquire about the necessary permits before embarking on an fishing trip of a lifetime here in Kleinzee. You can obtain these at our post office or any post office in the province.

The waters surrounding Kleinzee are home to Black Bream. The Black Bream is an abundant, medium sized fish which is a member of the sea bream family (Sparidae). The minimum size for this fish is 22cm. You can find Black Bream in rocky reefs, and kelp beds along the shores of Kleinzee.

